General Physiotherapy

We use a variety of different researched techniques to help restore function including range of motion and strength.
Concussion & Headache Rehabilitation

A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury that can affect the brains’ ability to function. Appropriately trained physiotherapists can help with your recovery.
Gym Based Rehabilitation

Gym-based rehab is an important part of rehabilitation. Our physiotherapists are confident using equipment in the gym.
Paediatric Physiotherapy
It is important to know that the way your child moves and functions now will impact them for the rest of their lives.
Pelvic Health

The pelvic floor is one of the most essential muscle groups in the body. Issues can arise when it is not working properly.
Pregnancy: Pre and Post Natal

We provide 6-week check-ups post birth to check your pelvic floor and what level of control and strength you have especially if you are looking to return to exercise.
Breathing Assessment & Rehabilitation

Breathing is an important part of life. Did you know there is a correct way to breathe?
Vestibular and Vertigo Rehabilitation

Vertigo or vestibular dysfunction is reasonably common in the community
Bio-mechanics Assessment & Rehabilitation

The way our body moves day to day is important. Poor movement patterns can lead to recurrent injuries so it is important to address these early.
Ergonomics & Work Place

We spend so much time at work, why not let the team have a chat to your team or assess your work place and guide you to make it more functional.
Post-Op Care

Post-Op care is important to recovery following your surgery. The team works closely with specialist & surgeons to ensure the best for your recovery.